Can your biology be adjusted?
The human body is programmed to store fuel in anticipation of periods of food scarcity.
The body deliberately craves high-calorie food to avoid running out of fuel.
And after 200,000 years, the body is an efficient, elegant fuel-storing system.
Since the industrial revolution, innovation in transportation and refrigeration technology allowed supermarkets to emerge in local communities, facilitating convenient and plentiful access to foods year round.
Consumer demand for ready-to-eat foods drove the emergence of high-calorie, processed foods on store shelves.
Although food scarcity is now rare, our biology continues to store and conserve fuel as fat just as it has done for 200,000 years.
Your biology has not changed. The human body continues to be highly efficient at storing fuel.
Human biology works against losing weight.
Did you know options exist to modify this human biology and overcome the accumulation of weight as well as achieve weight reduction?
Not commonly known, there are obesity medicine physicians who are qualified in weight management who can help you address the challenges of weight control.
Find a specialist using the following link:
5. “Technology, Diet, and the Burden of Chronic Disease” JAMA, 2011 April; 305 (13): 1352-1353.